Burmilla Profile
Lifespan: 10-15 Years
Avg height: 25-30cms
Avg weight Female: 3.5-4.5 kg
Avg weight Male: 4.5-5.5 kg
Coat type: Burmilla coats are soft and silky. They come in two varieties, shorthaired and semi-longhaired.
Coat colours and body type: This medium-sized breed is muscular, yet elegant. They are known for their gorgeous silver coat and green eyes. They have distinct faces with their eyes, lips and nose outlined in a dark, smokey colour.
Grooming required: Low maintenance.
Similar Breeds: Burmese, Chinchilla Persian, Tiffanie
Burmilla temperament
A mix between a Burmese and Chinchilla, Burmilla's make quiet gentle pets. They exhibit impish qualities like a Burmese but can also be relaxed like a Chinchilla. They are highly intelligent and enjoy figuring things out, like opening doors and doing new tricks. Playing is a must for a Burmilla, making them great for families and children. They can be demanding at times, displaying kitten-like behaviour. They can also be vocal at times, usually when seeking attention.
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“I’ve never had such a good experience with an insurance company. Such a good experience during such a difficult time”. – Sandra, owner of Ide in NSW.