Exotic Short Hair
Exotic Short Hair Profile
Lifespan: 12-15 Years
Avg height: 25-30cms
Avg weight Female: 4-4.5kg
Avg weight Male: 4.5-5.5 kg
Coat type: Short, thick, luxurious, dense coat.
Coat colours and body type: The exotic shorthair is of medium stocky build with short legs and strong round paws.
Grooming required: High - daily brush, and wipe face of tears to avoid skin irritation.
Similar Breeds: British shorthair, Persian.
Health Profile: Brachycephalic, polycystic kidney disease (PKD), Calcium oxylate urinary stones, respiratory difficulty, excessive tear production, facial skin irritation, heat sensitive.
Exotic Short Hair temperament
The exotic shorthair is a cat well suited to a quiet life. They are gentle and affectionate in nature and would be suited to life in a well airconditioned apartment and/or a single pet household.
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“I’ve never had such a good experience with an insurance company. Such a good experience during such a difficult time”. – Sandra, owner of Ide in NSW.