Russian Blue (GCCF)
Russian Blue (GCCF) Profile
Lifespan: 15-20 Years
Avg height: 20-25cms
Avg weight Female: 3-5.5 kg
Avg weight Male: 4-6 kg
Coat type: Short, thick coat that is soft and silky in texture.
Coat colours and body type: Russian Blue's are medium sized cats with blue-gray coats with an overall silvery sheen. They are fine boned and long bodied with prominent whiskers and large ears.
Grooming required: Low maintance, weekly brushing
Similar Breeds: Nebelung, Russian Shorthair, Tiffanies
Russian Blue (GCCF) temperament
Russian Blue's are gentle, quiet and shy in nature. They enjoy forming a strong bond with their owner and will show affection when appropriate. They are not overly clingy, but do enjoy being stimulated and played with. They are intelligent and curious and do well with children and other pets.
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“I’ve never had such a good experience with an insurance company. Such a good experience during such a difficult time”. – Sandra, owner of Ide in NSW.