Savannah Profile
Lifespan: 12-20 Years
Avg height: 35-43 cms
Avg weight Female: 7-8 kg
Avg weight Male: 7-9 kg
Coat type: Short coat with a unique spotted pattern.
Coat colours and body type: Due to her close relation to the African Serval, the Savannah cat is notably tall and sleek. Her long legs and athletic grace means you may often find her in high places. She looks like a small cheetah due to her distinctive spotted patterning.
Grooming required: Low - weekly brush.
Similar Breeds: Bengal, Ocicat, Egyptian Mau, Toyger.
Health Profile: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), Male sterility.
Savannah temperament
The Savannah cat is the result of a hybrid crossing of the domestic cat and the African serval. This breed is sociable with other pets, highly intelligent, and always willing to greet owners with friendly head bumps. They like a lot of interaction with their owners and are known to follow you around the house. They will want affection, perhaps only when ready, not before. Savannah cats, much like Bengals, are known to enjoy water.
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“I’ve never had such a good experience with an insurance company. Such a good experience during such a difficult time”. – Sandra, owner of Ide in NSW.