Tonkinese Profile
Lifespan: 12-18 Years
Avg height: 20-25cms
Avg weight Female: 2.5-3.5 kg
Avg weight Male: 3.5-5.5 kg
Coat type: This breed has short, soft coats.
Coat colours and body type: Tonkinese are medium-sized cats with short, muscular bodies. They come in a dozen colours and patterns, including pointed, mink and solid. Tonkinese are often confused with siamese, but they are acutally a cross between the Siamese and the Burmese.
Grooming required: Low maintenance.
Similar Breeds: Bengal, Burmese, Korat, Khao Manee, Siamese
Tonkinese temperament
Also known as a feline innovator, Tonkinese are intelligent and fun loving. They enjoy playing fetch, hide-and-seek and even making up their own games. Tonkinese need stimulation and do not like to be ignored. They are happy to greet guests at the door and can even double as a lap cat from time to time. This breed does well with children and other pets. They are very vocal cats.
Hear from our customers
“I’ve never had such a good experience with an insurance company. Such a good experience during such a difficult time”. – Sandra, owner of Ide in NSW.