Alaskan Husky
Alaskan Husky profile
Exercise: |
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Lifespan: 10-13 Years
Avg height: 56-66cm
Avg weight: 17-25kg
Coat type: Short-medium length coarse coat.
Coat colours: Grey, white, black and white, blonde, orange, red, cream (or a combination).
Originally bred for: Working sled dog.
Breed traits: Intelligent, playful, athletic, affectionate.
A little about the Alaskan Husky
The Alaskan Husky is not acknowledged as a pure-breed, but rather as a type of working sled dog. They love to run, pulling sleds, or just exploring. They are prone to dig and can be escape artists if not provided with a large amount of mental and physical stimulation. However, they are also highly intelligent and affectionate to their chosen humans.
Alaskan Huskies are generally very hardy, but can be predisposed to the following health conditions: Canine Hip Dysplasia, Progressive Retinal Atrophy and Hypothyroidism.
A day in the life of "Tucker"
I’m careful to keep in step with my human as we stroll down the winding pathway to the park near our home. Why does my human walk so slowly? As a pang of impatience washes over me, I tug on my leash to try and gain some pace. As I do, the harness around my chest gently urges me back. Foiled again!
After resigning to the slow walk I had been so ruthlessly restricted to, I catch a whiff of my favourite spot in the park: the off-lead section. The ambient excited barks, woods, and snorts of fellow canines fill the air, the smell of grass being kicked up underfoot growing ever-more inviting as we draw closer – I can’t contain it, I’ve got to run! I look back at my human with pleading eyes, letting out a high whimper.
“Please let me join in”, I try desperately to convey. I know my human understands, but I have a feeling I know what’s coming next.
“Sit”, my human says – I knew it, I could see that coming. Putting on my best performance, I hurriedly sit down on the grass. As my human bends down to unclip my lead, I know I am free to run – and that’s exactly what I do.
Without missing a beat, I lunge at full speed away from my human and straight to where my nose is leading me, into the middle of the fray. I’m thrilled to see my friends again, and some new faces amongst the flurry of playing paws. In the distance, I hear my human laughing to another human, and I could have sworn I heard them say, “It’s just like the first time, every time”.
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