New Kitten Checklist

There’s hardly anything more exciting than adopting a new family pet. Whether you’re new or experienced though, the process of becoming a pet parent can be overwhelming – with so much to do for your new kitten, it can be easy to forget some important steps. Luckily, we’ve curated a simple checklist that covers the essentials of what your cat will need.
Download our checklist for your new kitten for the full list!
First and foremost
One of the most important first steps you need to do for your kitten is organise their identification. A collar with your address and phone number is a great start, but make sure to have your veterinarian microchip your cat as well, as this is the best and safest chance of finding them again, in the event they get lost. This can be set up in your first vets’ appointment, where your kitten is vaccinated too. Make sure to get their heartworm, flea and tick prevention close to the adoption date, which can be provided by your vet.
While sorting out their health, you might want to think about your new kitten’s future. Now a member of your family, you’ll want to ensure that their safety is secured, which is why cat insurance is an important choice to make. Luckily, Vets Choice Pet Insurance takes the stress out of the financial woes caused by your furry family member and makes sure that the best choices are available should the worst occur.
What’s on the menu
Kittens that are eight weeks to six months old will need to be fed three to four times a day. If your kitten is freshly eight weeks, they should already by on a solid diet of dry or wet food made especially for kittens. Feeding options can be discussed with your trusted vet, and you can find a brand that’s approved by them and age-appropriate for your kitten. You’ll need a clean and dry spot to place a food and water bowl, which should be cleaned every day.
Making them feel at home
At home, your cat will require necessities such as a litter box and a cat bed. Each breed will of course have different grooming requirements based on the length of their fur, but you should invest in a brush and nail clippers, and shampoo if you decide to not take them to a groomer. A scratching post will act as both an energy reliever and keep your kitten’s claws in proper shape, so clipping their nails won’t need to be done as often. It’s also important to keep on top of their dental health, so you’ll need cat toothpaste and a toothbrush. If you do decide to take them to a groomer, though, a cat carrier is a smart option for easy transportation.
The addition of a kitten into your family will be a rewarding and happy time. With these essentials, you can lessen the stress and help the pair of you get of to the very best start.
Download our checklist for your new kitten for the full list!