Rosies Story - Bill Shock

When Rosie began to throw up, she was rushed to the vet.
An initial x-ray of Rosie’s stomach was taken to see if she’d swallowed something, but nothing appeared, and she was sent home.
Two days later, Rosie’s owners returned her to the vet as she was still refusing to eat and throwing up. A second x-ray finally showed a foreign body lodged in Rosie’s throat.
Rosie was rushed to emergency surgery, and what ended up being a bottle cap was removed from her throat.
After a three-day recovery in the ICU, Rosie was released to her owners with a prescription for antibiotics and painkillers. Rosie is now on her way to full health.
When accidents happen, Insurance can help
A $200 excess meant that despite the cost of Rosie’s* treatment, the bill was much easier to stomach.
Your vet does what they do because they love animals. However, a lot of the treatments vets provide are quite similar to the treatments your doctor may provide for you.
Vets use the same machines, similar medicines and practice similar treatments to doctors, but with no Medicare for pets, paying for animal care is very different.
That’s where Vets Choice insurance for pets can help. Just because they swallow something they shouldn’t doesn’t mean you have to stomach the cost.
Take a look to see how much money Vets Choice insurance for pets can save you.