Pet care

Information and articles to help you take care of your pet, and help to avoid some of the common preventable accidents and illnesses that can occur.

The Mysterious Mechanism Behind Your Cat's Purr

Published: 6 Jun 2024

One of the most intriguing things about cats is their ability to purr. Often considered the sign of a happy cat, it's a sound that's both soothing and mysterious, leaving some curious cat owners wondering: why do cats purr?

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The crucial role of vaccinations in pet health

Published: 4 Jun 2024

Just as we humans need regular access to healthcare to ensure our well-being, we also need to consistently look out for our pet’s health too. Among the essentials of pet care, are vaccinations, which play a vital role in protecting our furry friends from a range of diseases that could otherwise lead to severe illness or even prove fatal.

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Dog feeding tips

Dog foods, what can and can't they eat.

Published: 11 Apr 2024

It can be difficult to resist those glossy puppy eyes staring up at you while you enjoy a tasty snack. While we love the idea of sharing everything with our furry best friend, the truth is that sharing your meal could be potentially fatal, if you give them the wrong food. So, before you slide those leftovers from your bowl to theirs, read our quick guide to foods that are (and aren’t) safe for your dog.

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cat behaviours

Cats Behaviours

Published: 21 Dec 2023

While dogs are often known for their extroverted personalities, their tail wagging and their eager barking, their feline counterparts are quite the opposite. Cats are not so easy to read – with their sometimes-evasive nature, you might find that they seem quiet, introverted and cautious around you or strangers.

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Snake Season; what to do if a snake bites your pet

Published: 6 Dec 2023

It is now summer, which means beach days, ice cream, and snake season. With perfect conditions and 10 of the deadliest snakes in the world, summertime in Australia is a time for caution when it comes to your furry pet friends.

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A fresh start; Adopting a cat or kitten

Published: 23 Oct 2023

From a tiny kitten to a senior feline, adopting a cat from a local rescue centre is a great alternative to purchasing from a breeder. By giving this furry little friend a second chance, you’re giving them a brand new loving home that will give them the chance of a happy and fulfilled life.

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The sweetest dog around; Moodles!

Published: 17 Oct 2023

Crossed between a Maltese and a Poodle, the Moodle or Maltipoo is a popular choice of dog for a lot of reason. Undeniably adorable, this little pup was first bred in the 1990s as a companion dog and remains as one of Australia’s most popular dogs.

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Declawing cats - An unethical practice

Published: 11 Aug 2023

The practice of declawing is banned in Australia due to its unnecessary and harmful nature, with the exception of it being in the cat’s best interest, such as a medical issue that can’t be resolved another way.

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Theodore pet insurance

Theodores, the new dog breed in town

Published: 8 Aug 2023

Ever since dogs were domesticated over 10,000 years ago, they’ve been our loving companions. With modern dog breeds such as Schnauzers and Great Danes only existing for roughly 200 years though, you might wonder why such a variety of canines exists. Theodores are one of the newest dog breeds that's come in to the world.

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What can you give a dog for pain relief?

Published: 5 Jul 2023

When our puppies hurt, seeing them like that can almost leave us just as sore. Not knowing what to do to help them can leave us feeling even worse, so here are a few tips for when your furry friend is in pain.

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Can dogs see in the dark?

Published: 14 Jun 2023

Sometimes, on cold winter nights when you’re taking your pup out for a toilet before you both go to bed, shivering in the dark, you’ve probably wondered what your dog could possibly be staring at that’s stopping them from going to the toilet. They might start barking at a tree or running up and down the fence, but there’s nothing there!

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Rosie's Story - Bill Shock

Published: 17 Feb 2023

When Rosie began to throw up, she was rushed to the vet. An initial x-ray of Rosie’s stomach was taken to see if she’d swallowed something, but nothing appeared, and she was sent home. Two days later, Rosie’s owners returned her to the vet as she was still refusing to eat and throwing up. A second x-ray finally showed a foreign body lodged in Rosie’s throat.

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Training your new pets

Published: 15 Feb 2023

Whether it’s your first feline or your penultimate pooch, it’s important to know how to implement key training strategies to set you both up for success and set your relationship off on the right foot.

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Crate Training

Published: 14 Feb 2023

Crate training is an important part of bringing a dog of any age into your home. Providing a sense of security and safety for your dog – while giving you greater peace of mind – dogs of all ages benefit from proper crate training.

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A Vets Choice Claims Story - Sandra & Ide

Published: 18 Jan 2023

Vets Choice insurance for pets is proud to protect pets all across Australia. Since launching in June 2019, we’ve made it our mission to help more pets receive the treatment they deserve.

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The rise of the miniature schnauzer

Published: 20 Dec 2022

Once designated rat catchers on farms, miniature schnauzers have evolved into popular and beloved household pets. The miniature schnauzer has been recorded as the 10th most popular breed in Australia, with 445 litters birthed in 2020. So, what makes them so sought after?

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New Kitten Checklist

Published: 1 Dec 2022

There’s hardly anything more exciting than adopting a new family pet. Whether you’re new or experienced though, the process of becoming a pet parent can be overwhelming – with so much to do for your new kitten, it can be easy to forget some important steps. Luckily, we’ve curated a simple checklist that covers the essentials of what your cat will need.

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New Puppy Checklist

Published: 1 Dec 2022

Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or a seasoned puppy parent, it’s important to be ready for your new dog. While exciting, the process can be overwhelming – with so many boxes to tick, it’s hard to know if you’re fully prepared! Luckily, we’ve curated an easily followed checklist that covers the essentials that your new pup will need.

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Barney's Story

Published: 26 Oct 2022

While we want every claim to have a happy ending, not all of them do. But for Barney’s owners, Tammi and Tom, Barney’s terminal diagnosis was made easier through a village of vets, and of course, the help of Vets Choice.

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Scooter's scare and emergency care

Published: 10 Aug 2022

At a quick glance, a lone hot cross bun sitting unattended on the kitchen counter is hardly a threat to your pet. But for young Scooter the Labradoodle, a moment alone meant an expensive vet visit thanks to the tasty treat.

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Choosing The Right Food For Your Dog

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Dog owners are presented with an overwhelming array of options when it comes to food for their precious pooch. Choosing the right food can be time consuming, confusing, and expensive.

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Cat dental health

A healthy mouth equals a healthy happy cat

Published: 24 Feb 2022

In nature, cats hide pain so that predators don’t notice them and rivals cannot beat them to resources. As a result signs of disease, especially dental disease, are often subtle and can be difficult for pet owners to identify themselves.

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The ‘edible toothbrush’

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Dental disease is the most common disease of adult dogs and cats and is a primary cause of bad breath. What’s more, it is often a silent process that progresses without detection.

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Periodontal disease prevention tips

Periodontal Disease in Cats and Dogs

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Periodontal disease is easily preventable and yet it’s one of the most common problems that vets diagnose. More importantly, if it goes untreated, it can lead to other serious health problems such as infections in the kidney, heart and liver.

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Tick Paralysis for Dogs and Cats

Published: 24 Feb 2022

In some areas of Australia, the paralysis tick is a familiar foe to pet owners. Found along the east coast, paralysis ticks can cause a debilitating and often deadly paralysis in pets that encounter the parasites

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Vaccinations for pets

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Vaccination is a key component of responsible pet ownership and helps reduce the risk of your pet becoming unwell from some severe, life-threatening diseases.

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Preparing for flea and tick season

Preparing for flea and tick season

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Spring has sprung and so too have fleas, ticks and other warm-weather skin irritators. As it warms up, your pet will naturally spend more time outside, which means more contact with these parasites and more exposure to other skin allergens.

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Your new kitten

Published: 24 Feb 2022

Bringing home a new kitten is incredibly exciting, but there’s plenty you need to do to help your kitten settle into their new home comfortably.

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